Muumi Baby World

Information and experiences from the world of diapers, and stories about parenthood.


All themesParenthoodToddlerEveryday wellbeingBabyPregnancyNewborn

Parenthood, Everyday wellbeing

In the future, diapers will be responsibly Finnish and carbon neutral

Emilia Nordström, who works in Muumi Baby diaper production development, answers the phone from maternity leave with her six-month-old daughter Freya babbling in the background: “Day-to-day life with a young...
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Everyday wellbeing

Why is the country of manufacture important for diapers?

It makes a real difference where in the world your little one’s diapers are made and what kind of journey they travel from factory to store shelves. Choosing a Finnish...
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Everyday wellbeing

5 tips for using cleansing wipes!

Messy mouths and sticky hands are a part of everyday life with kids. Accidents often happen suddenly, and it’s good to have an easy and skin-friendly cleansing wipe to hand....
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Muuumi Baby article babies' skin care

Toddler, Everyday wellbeing, Baby, Newborn

Tips for baby skincare

How to keep your baby’s skin healthy Choose a skin-friendly diaper that does not expose your baby’s sensitive skin to unnecessary and irritating chemicals. Change diapers often enough to avoid...
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